Tore, et keegi viitsib mu mõttealgeid lõpuni mõelda...
If you believe in the freedom of the press, the right to belong to a political party of your choice, the due process of law, and/or private property, then Che Guevara was a monster, plain and simple. But even with that knowledge, it's unlikely that Johnny Depp will get rid of his Che medallion. And it's unlikely that all the pseudo-hipsters who buy their Che T-shirts at Urban Outfitters will stop wearing them. No. These T-shirts send a message, which effectively boils down to this: I have vague left-wing sympathies but don't read history. I am educated enough to want nonconformity but not intelligent enough to avoid conformity. I believe in supporting the wretched of the earth but happily purchase products from multinational corporations.Kogu lugu: What's So Bad About Socialism Anyway?
Ha. Ja minu mõte, mida ma pole julgenud lõpuni mõelda. Sest tihtipeale on need ostjad tegelikult toredad inimesed ja ma ei taha nende kohta mingeid halvustavaid seisukohti võtta.
VastaKustutaVaatan kyll, et midagi on valesti selle juures, aga siis löön käega, et pilt on pilt (ja ei mõtle edasi, et ytleb sada sõna).
täpselt nii ongi!